Saturday, June 17, 2006

The job

Well in case you did not know, we now have comcast cable high speed so you will be able to reach us on our home line.

I am posting this on my ibook which is connecting wirelessly to our highspeed connection. The job has been overwhelming, fun, challenging, exciting all at the same time. The 1st thing my boss did was give me this laptop which did not have a wireless card. It is a G3 laptop so wireless cards are no longer made. I found one for slightly over 100.00 on ebay which the district techs installed for me yesterday. This will enable me to work from home as well as access any wireless network in any school I will be in.
Connie, my new boss is wonderful. So far we get along great. We have a lot in common. In fact my second day on the job, she came over to pick up a cable that I had in my laptop bag that she needed and we sat out on the front porch for two hours getting to know each other while drinking a beer. Yes, I actually finished a beer.

What I will be doing....I am responsible for end user support for the Horizon library automation system, updating and maintaining the media services website, overseeing the grant writing process for my department and all the libraries, training, coordinating and running professional development opportunities and developing library policies and procedures for the 22 elementary and 16 secondary schools. I attended a grant writing workshop in Colorado springs and will be taking a two credit grant writing class in the fall through Emporia. Also I act as a liason between media services and the technology services. It has been a LONG two weeks since I had class last weekend. I work from 6:30 -5pm Monday through Thursday until August. So far I have not figured out a good balance between home and work and school. Yesterday, I took the kids to the pool and went to Borders. Today the kids and I are going up to Crystal Rapids in Loveland which is a wave pool. I will not be swimming, I will be doing the reading I need to for my Management of Information agencies class next weekend. Doggie has a camp reservation and Kids and Randy will be going camping.


The Good:
A Tiny Raft(science elective) A
Reading B
Band A
Health B
English B
Math B
Pups and Patterns(math elective) A
Science B
Social Studies B

Way to go Kristen!

Now for Matt-
Orchestra A+-Yeah Matt

The Bad:
Social Studies C
Science C

The Ugly:
German-D Comment: Assignments not completed
Math D-

Matt's grades are unacceptable to us since we know this is not his best. He was awarded appropriately based on the amount of effort he put into it. He did however pass onto 10th grade so this is the bright spot.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Here Fishy, fishy

While I was at class all weekend, Randy, Matt and Kris went camping and fishing.

Kristen caught 4 fish and Matt caught 3 and Randy caught one. Delicious trout for dinner tonight.