Saturday, September 02, 2006


Matt and I are here while Kristen and Randy went camping. I have numrerous class projects to work on and Matt has activities scheduled. Took him out for Chick parmisian last night and he remarked it was a long time since it was just the two of us. He is a different person. He says he thinks he is too competitive with both Randy and Kris. Anyway, these are some of the things he talked about:

His friend Scott has made a cd of anti school songs(all hits when I was in school)
Matt loves Twisted Sister, Pink Floyd, ACDC, Black Sabbath. I asked him if he listens to Alice Cooper-he says yes, he really likes her-which proves he has not listened to HIM!

He also would like to get Marine corp tattoos on his arms. Doesn't want to join the Corp-just wants the tattoos-not too sure he realizes needles are involved. He won't be doing this while I am supporting him that is for sure.

I miss my girl, but she is off having fun with her Daddy, who by the way leaves for Singapore on 10/8. There should be a California trip before then.

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