Tuesday, October 24, 2006

quickly checking in

Don't have much time. So this is going to be rambling...
Matt got his learner's permit Monday. Matt found out he will be wearing red tights, yellow shirt and a hat with a plume in one scene. His grades are pretty much in the toilet with science being the worst. He still loves Jen and ramen noodles.

Kristen broke up with Drew, but her old boyfriend Trevor, from Mead now goes to Trail Ridge. There is a dance Friday. Kristen is now an aide in the library. She no longer has debate, but now has World War II which she wants to drop because it is so ridiculously stupid. She is in cheerleading club. She knows 3 hand movements and one jump. The poor waif wears my slippers because she has none of her own.

Me? I have two more class weekends and 5 projects. If this does not send me over the edge, nothing will. Every evening until 9pm I am apparently repeating 7th grade. I help Kris with all her homework and then mine does not get done. Did you know that the tiger preys on Moose? I didn't either.

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