Sunday, November 19, 2006

It's over!

I finished my last class, turned in my last assignment! The only thing left is the ceremony and the goodbyes. Cap and gowns are nicer than I expected. I love the hood. I have wanted a hood ever since my graduation at Ship and now I get to have wear one at least for a few hours.(it is rented-cost prohibitive to buy) I was not as emotional as I expected. Probably because the instructor had an ego the size of Kansas and totally did not get our cohort. We have been the black mark on ESU's record so to speak and they will be just as glad to get rid of us as we will be to say goodbye to them. I am pretty sure she was given instructions that all of us had to pass this course. They want us all gone.

While I was gone, Randy cleaned out the refrigerator and Kristen mopped the kitchen floor. When I get back from PA, the house will be cleaned 2.5 years of neglect. Matt went paintballing and Kris went swimming. Randy was fishing and I did laundry. Matt did some more driving, getting more practice at that crucial 65 mph. Plan is for him to get highway time in western utah/NV depending on conditions. Kristen was even brave enough to go along with them this weekend.

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