Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Kristen-her geniousness and then again not so much

Kristen tried out for Honor band a few months ago. She found out yesterday that she made it! Go, girl! What this means is that she will be playing in a concert with other middle school students from around the district. The concert is 1/30, the same week that she registers for high school.

Now for the not so geniousness moment. I got up at 5am to bake a cake since I have been assigned snack duty at work for today. I made a spice cake and went to get the cream cheese frosting that I knew was in the pantry. I opened it only to find it had been sampled and replaced in the pantry. I smell a sugar thief. I confronted public sugar enemy #1 who did not deny it. Her response"I was hungry and it was the only thing here to eat". Sure, the only thing edible in the pantry was this lonely container of icing.

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