Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Feeling Random

I could talk about so many topics such as Sabrina and her freak-out after her manicure(the chocolate lab was not intimidated by her much to her dismay). So it is not normal for dogs to sound like Chewbacca when they finish an appointment? Then tbere is the daily battle between Sabrina and the squirrels. Squirrels are winning handily. I made homemade pancakes today and will probably make them a lot more in the coming days. I spent the afternoon with Kristen and Laney and Matt and Grant at the bowling alley. Matt is working now. Matt is feeling terrified about his surgery. I think what scares him the most is a fear that the iv sedation will not put him out-that and a needle is involved. There literally is nothing I can do or say to alleviate this fear and that is frustrating. Must do laundry and attempt to clean up the kitchen, As fast as I clean, someone makes a mess. Food I had bought for meals has been consumed as snacks. Matt is convinced he will never eat "real" food again. We are not talking about your ordinary pessimist here-no the glass is half empty-no sir-we are talking about the glass being completely empty if the glass exists at all. Kristen is pursuing her evening hobby of Doggie torment during commericials on the Disney channel.

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