Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The next drama in the tax saga

They called Randy back and said they efiled and it was rejected because one of our social security numbers was rejected as previously submitted. Huge panic all day that we were victims of idenitity theft. The Numbskulls then said the amended tax return would have to be mailed and it was not ready for us to pick it up. Randy eventually called the IRS and was told not a SS # problem, but the efiled without income or deductions listed. Say what???? Isn't that the whole purpose of fileing a tax return? Then they efiled again and it was rejected for some other reason that I can not remember. The line got silent when Randy called them back and told them this. SUPPOSEDLY, our tax return will be ready this morning. Randy will go pick it up and go over it with a fine tooth comb. Stay tuned....

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