Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Totally random

Twitter is great, but I certainly post a lot less. I am feeling very stressed and overwhelmed and am very tired of feeling this way. Matt is having his bass lesson and then a hard life lesson. Kris is going to the doctor tomorrow for her cough. She may have asthma, hopefully not pneumonia. Matt once had pneumonia with no fever, so hopefully she has not contracted that strain also. I have several imposing deadlines at work the rest of this month. I have to go shopping for the kids for Easter, buy Zack birthday presents, get the dog a license while it is still 2008. She needs to exercise as do I, but I do not want to take her for walks until she is legal. Kristen is sleeping with me as bug season has started. This week is CSAPS for her. Tomorrow night is a band booster club meeting that I should attend. Here is my day tomorrow:
7:30-9am breakfast meeting for collection dev for new schools
9-10 race back to the office to make my office look like more than a storage room.
10 am meet with vendor
11:15 go to trailridge to pick up Kris for doctor appt
12:00 take Kris back to trms
get back to office for 1pm budget meeting
2:00 try to fit in everything else in(like rewriting copyright policy, generating purchase orders for new schools, review more books) and maybe try to eat something for lunch.
Such is my life.

Time for the bass lesson and the bassist is quite impatient.

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