Sunday, April 06, 2008

I've been sprung!

Sabrina here, talkin' to you from my pillow. Consider this a doggie podcast. They came to pick me up. Big whoop. I've been hanging out with my homeys for a week and Mom and Kristen show up acting like I should have missed them terribly. Not exactly. They picked me up in the deathtrap. I tried to pretend I did not remember how to get in it, but Kristen lifted my butt in it. I screamed, yowled, howled save me,save me, save me. Did anyone listen? Nada. They opened the window thinking I wanted air, I screamed and screamed to all the other people in their various forms of deathtraps and still no one listened. We stopped at the house of the cute girl with the red braids and she answered the doorbell by asking can I help you? She sure can-finally, I am saved! Mom talked to her about burgers and drinks and she asked small, medium or large? Say what? When is she coming out to let me out of here. Then we leave, I scream some more, and I think I passed out. Mom calls it hyperventillating. Next thing you know we are home. Matt is no where to be found. It had something to do with Mom failing to read calendars correctly and Matt having to work 7-3pm today. Loser with a capital L. Dad was fishing-no great loss for me there. I can barely keep my eyes open by now and they want me to go squirrel chasing. Yeah right. Not happening. I don't even have the energy to eat. Later,


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