Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Now back to Matt...

He was such a cute toddler and preschooler. He loved Thomas the Tank Engine, Sesame street, Power rangers, Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles. One Halloween he dressed up as one of the 7 dorfs(dwarfs. It is hard to believe my tall grown up son used to like to sit in a laundry basket. Who could forget that vanilla scented pacifier that came home from the hospital with him? Also who could forget that train that Nana and Pop Pop gave him for his 1st birthday? Learning to ride a trike and then a bike, now learning to drive a car(get a job so you can finally get your license, kiddo!).Lots of enjoyable time spent on Nana's patio, watering and washing toys and cars. Talking on the phone to telemarketers telling them about an upcoming trip to Arby's. The arrival of his sister brought more challenges and changes to his life....

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