Friday, March 10, 2006

Can't sleep

Mom is up not sleeping so I don't get to sleep. Kristen is sleeping with her instead of me. I snuck in and when Mom found out, Bammo, banished to Kristen's room. For those of you following the many sagas in this house:
Matt's backpack has been found but anythng of value gone. Guess thieves not interested in Skyline textbooks. Academic fallout from Sound of Music continues. Another principal meeting in mom's future.
Kristen stressed over amount of math homework and screamed at mom. prompted matt to say he is putting house under martial law. Whatever he meant by that. Kristen misinterpreted something her PE/health teacher said and almost brought down the wrath of the American Dental Association on the school.
Mom gets new cast tomorrow. Debating between purple red or green. She had coffee with friends tonight. Cheered her up. Kids watched rat race for the millionth time. Mom is doing her volunteer work at the Beautiful Savior Church school library Sat too.
Me-I have a nail appt Saturday. Kristen bought me filet mignon treats at the store.yummers.

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