Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Yesterday we had 115 mph winds-yes that is level 3 hurricane. Western schools and roads in my district were closed. You open the car door and you better have a good grip or you can start looking for it in another county. We are expecting another storm Thursday into Friday. 10-12 more inches of the white, fluffy stuff. Joy. As if we don't have enough.

Now the impending storm at Matt's school. He comes home yesterday and says he had a schedule change. The orchestra class is too large so they split it. He is scheduled to have that 2nd period instead of first. Well he had English 2nd. So now he is scheduled to have that awful English teacher that I had him removed from in October. I don't think so. An email has been sent to be followed up by a phone call this morning. Let's take him out of a class where he has achieved some success and put him back in the class with the teacher who wants to fail him. Good move, geniuses.

Btw, Kristen's field trip got cancelled for today. They were supposed to go t to the Denver Science Museum, but only 10 kids turned in their money. 10 out of 120. Hmmm. Maybe parents did not get the message that it wasn't free or couldn't afford to pay.

Matt did use his best buy gift card for a game and accessories to his nintendo ds

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