Friday, February 09, 2007

If she doesn't see it, it has not happened

Sabrina-If she does not see you put food in her bowl, you have not done it. Nevermind she hears you do it and she smells it.

Kristen-had 3 detentions for forgetting a paper. She is now researching ancient romans in school.

Matt-He is on new medication. He takes 4 small capsules before school. He is not happy because the pills are the colors of his school's crosstown rival. Deal. He was presented with three options and chose this one. The other one was taking an extra dose of the same thing at lunch and the 3rd choice was a medication that could impair liver function and which would require blood tests monthly. The big news is that Matt has a new girlfriend. Her name is DEb and she is in his social studies class. So far progressing slowly. She has invited him to a dance and her b-day party in March.

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