Monday, July 02, 2007

Camping at North Michigan Lake

This past weekend we camped at No Michigan Lake. This is located near Chambers lake for lack of a better point of reference. It is in the middle of prime moose country thus Randy's attraction to the area. We had been there previously but obviously not in the throes of bug season. Randy had literally been travelling up until we left for camping. Things don't tend to go as smoothly when this happens. This time was no exception. We got to a KOA store near the turn off and got out to purchase some things we forgot. When we opened the camper door a screw or something fell out. Got to the site and the kids basically sat back to watch Randy set up. I got a key stuck in a lock. Finally we were set up and had dinner.
Randy went down to the lake to fish while I did the dishes and listened to the whine begin. It was extremely buggy. Despite spraying repeatedly with off, the kids got bitten in excess of 13 times each. Not happy campers-literally. They both discovered the joy(?) of chopping wood over the course of the weekend. Went to dump the tank and the valve on the blackwater tank(the one for the toilet) stuck. Randy has decided to try and replace the valve on the 4th of July. Great. I will not be celebrating the holiday in the same manner.

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