Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy Independence Day

It is hard to believe it is the 4th of July already. Sabrina is so ready for it to be over. The nightly fireworks have her nerves rather frazzled. The big show is tonight. We usually can see them from Kristen's window, but I am thinking Randy and I might actually venture a little closer tonight. He is fishing this morning and the kids and I will be venturing to the pool by 1pm. It is slightly cooler today but still has a forecast of 90 degrees. Thanks to Dad for the reminder about 1776! I purchased it last night at Borders as well as several items. Upon walking in that store I immediately see about 200.00 worth of books I want, yet my son can not find a single book that peaks his interest. He can not be my child. He eventually did settle for some viking warrior tale but not before the mandatory argument of why I won't buy Manga books. While I totally understand the genre of graphic novels, I want him to be reading traditional novels as well. After the pool we will grill hamburger and hotdogs and hopefully have a relaxing evening. It all hinges on the camper repair and the everchanging mood of the teenagers.

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