Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas, the great room clean up and surgery countdown

Sorry it has taken me so long to update, but just not been motivated.

Christmas was great! Very relaxing. Matt and Kristen loved all their gifts as did I. The kids gave me a Hairspray DVD, MacGyver boxed set and a cinnamon toast candle. Kristen loves her new dvd player and has spent many hours since Christmas watching dvds on her bed. Matt of course loves his bass most of all. When he is not playing it he is hugging it. Nice transition into the next topic...

They are doing these activities when they are not working on their rooms. Both rooms were just unbelievably trashed. Kristen finished tonight after about 6-7 hours of work since Christmas. Matt's room, well I am afraid to look. Randy has been checking on the progress. He has put about 10 hours of work and had finally gotten around the bed to access 1/2 the closet. At least 4 bags of trash have been removed. He is not allowed to take the bass upstairs until the room is done. The same goes for the purchase of an amp which he desperately wants, Hopefully, on Wednesay, because Thursday is...

Surgery day! He is very nervous about it. No surprise there. He is worried about having a foreign body(needle for iv sedation) in his body for a long period of time(procedure should last about 45 minutes once he is under) and he worried about the iv sedation not being able to knock him out and being half conscious and feeling the pain; he is also worried that pieces of his jaw will be removed never to grow back. I have done my best to assure him that it will all be fine-the needle will come out, he will not be awake and that he will not have gaping holes in his jaw. Hopefully, he will follow instructions(of course he will follow instructions because he will have his mom the supernurse overseeing his every move) and his recovery will go smoothly. On Sunday,

Randy leaves for Singapore. Welcome back to my old friend, single parenting.

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