Saturday, May 17, 2008

Trying day with the spawn

When I got up today, my daughter was replaced with a drama queen. These dramatics lasted a good three hours. Then she took a shower and was better. She cleaned the stove and was somewhat helpful.

Matt got up and felt he needed to practice his debate skills on me. Not.a.good.idea.

Then there was the grass cutting. As much as I love the smell of a freshly mowed lawn, the drama, excuses and general attitude problems are so not worth it. Matt did not feel he needed to cut the grass since he has a job. Hello? He does not work today. He is cutting half. He did eventually cut his part with only a few minor arguments. Kristen, oh the pain. She has serious listening issues today. She did not take direction well. Then there was the bee problem. It took 3 separate attempts before the bees were sufficiently at bay. Then it was like she was eating a meal. First, we would cut a little over here, then a little over there, etc, etc, etc.

Randy just got home from volunteering overnight in Rocky Mountain National Park. He will be home exactly 12 hours before leaving again for Pennsyvania.

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