Tuesday, June 03, 2008


Things are progressing with car repair. Parts are ordered and hopefully payment will arrive from idiot teenager's insurance company soon. The totalled Audi is gone from in front of the house.

Matt has become addicted to every version of Star Trek as well as the Twilight zone. Apparently the Sci Fi channel is the only one on during the day. Kristen does not need the TV when she is on the computer the entire day. She has been walking to Centennial Pool every other day or so. The lists will be starting tomorrow-just so they do something low tech as well. Sabrina has rediscovered the joy of chasing a tennis ball around the house. Alas, it is shortlived because she knocks it behind the love seat. Not moving it for a tennis ball.

Booked my conference travel to Chicago in Oct.(yea!) boss told me my former boss(who was promoted because she was so bad at what she did, IMO) should go to and to ensure that she does, my current boss will pay for all her expenses(Boo!)

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