Friday, January 20, 2006

Fabulous Friday

Yeah it is the weekend! I keep trying for the furniture but am unsuccessful at convincing them to relent. Tomorrow, Mom and Kristen are going to Johnstown to do some scrapbooking and Matt and the evil one will do something on their own. Sunday, Matt and the evil one are going to do some model railroading and Mom and Kristen will be home with me. I love girls' weekends. Tonight they all went out to dinner to Rumbi's Island Grill. Matt tolerated it because he did not wanto be bothered to leave the house. Kristen hated it because her rice bowl came served with green vegetables. Oh the horror of it all! Do you think anyone could have thought of me eating nothing but Kibble and bits twice a day. NO! Matt did offer to give me flamin hot cheetos but Mom said no. Meanie. There is still a little snow in the backyard but not enough for a snowman. I went out and did a sound check of all my doggie friends. Doggie to the left is present and accounted for as are the two to the right and the two to the rear and the one rat dog/poodle combo diagonal. Mom is annoyed, but I need to make sure all is right in Dogland. No squirrelies today.

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