Wednesday, May 17, 2006

What a day

Just generally bad day at work. Nothing went right. The worst possible person will probably get my job. Kristen is really obnoxious right now, she is stressed because I am leaving Mead. Matt had a concert tonight. He was told to take a shower before hand which he did and then fell asleep with wet hair. Put on his concert clothes 30 minutes before he had to be there to discover his pants don't fit. Unless 7-11 sells mens black dress pants, not a lot I can do. He wore his black jeans. Told him to wet his hair. He used an unknown substance which he chose to call gel. I know there is no gel in the house. Orchestra teacher handed out letters for those students who went above and beyond. Only criteria missing for him is an A. He has a B. He does not want a letter like he does not want honor roll. Per Matt, people would expect too much of him yet. GRRRRRRR. He suggested the concert would be better with pyrotechnics. Double GRRRRRRR. Kristen is getting ready for bed under protest. It is not fair to her that Matt stays up a little later. I am in desperate need of a day off but can't take it because I am an idiot and told new boss I could start one day after finishing at current job.

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