Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Times have changed and my brain dead children

I bought Trivial pursuit poptarts at the store today. The perfect food. It educates while it fills my children with sugar.

Kristen bought yet another teen magazine(or I bought). Instead of the headline who Zac(from high school musical for those unaccustomed to the teen idol crowd) is dating, the headline is who Zac is texting.

Matt was putting groceries away and could not figure out how to put an oversize box of cheerios away. Kristen told him to turn it and he still could not figure it out. Scary.

Someone thought that the measuring spoons should now be kept with the oversize bowls. Their logic is definitely not my logic.

Kristen seems to have developed an itchy reaction to something. Randy thinks it is Sabrina(gulp). Time will tell.

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